How to Know if You’re Ugly

We all wonder this to ourselves: I don’t think I’m ugly…but…do other people think I’m ugly? Now, if you’re not one to care about what other people think, more power to you. But if you’re anything like me, however, you think to yourself, “Oh my god, I’m ugly!” as you walk past a toddler who stares at you with a disgusted expression just a little too long. If that situation hits close to home, here are some signs that you are definitely ugly.

  1. When someone leaves you on read on Snapchat. Clearly, that means they can’t stand your face and want to give you a hint.
  2. When people say you look like a celebrity but that celebrity is not attractive. (Ex: Steve Buscemi, Freddy Krueger, or the Grim Reaper)
  3. When someone asks if anyone will accompany them to lunch, or an event, or a workshop, and you volunteer but then they go, “Anyone else?” Obviously, this isn’t because they want to split an Uber with more people; it’s because you’re ugly.
  4. When someone compliments something that has to do with your personality. The next time anyone tells you, “aw you’re so sweet,” or “wow you’re so smart,” it means they don’t like your looks, and, therefore, you are ugly.
  5. When someone calls you ugly, and nobody laughs or says anything because it’s true.
  6. When someone calls you ugly, and everybody immediately jumps to your defense. Again, it’s because it’s true.
  7. When people get startled when they first glance at you. Either you actually startled them, or you’re ugly.

DISCLAIMER: There’s just no way around being ugly. If these symptoms apply to you, chances are, you’re ugly. But there are some ways to live through it. Over my short life, I’ve learned that the key to feeling attractive is confidence. Just watch I Feel Pretty.

Images via and via.

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