Your New Favorite Water

NASA has found traces of water on the surface of Mars. This groundbreaking discovery presents all kinds of exciting possibilities for humanity.

You may be wondering what exactly this means for us. For you.

We at WOSS Water* are teaming up with the makers of SnartWater* to bring you the newest H2O beverage for the thirsty elite.

Presenting: Rover Water.

This is water like no other. Forget waters that brag about the benefits of minerals from the melted glaciers of Iceland, or collected condensation from the banana leaves of the Amazon jungle.

No, the contents of this revolutionary, sensational Rover Water are quite literally out of this world. Ha ha! Hahaha!

In other words, yes, we really bottled the water from Mars.

Does the water on Mars contain eons-old minerals? Undiscovered antibiotics? Millions of microscopic parasites? Even we’re not really sure. Its obscure nature is part of its extravagant allure.

Whatever the case, we’re sure this unique product will set the bar for all of those other waters out there. I mean, how different can existing artisanal bottled waters claim to be?

Though Rover Water may seem like it comes with a hefty price tag, it’s only to cover the inevitably high costs of extracting water from another planet.

Raving reviews claim:

“This water looks kind of muddy…but it’s from Mars, how cool is that?!”

“I can get past the questionable color of this water. Only because I have the satisfaction of knowing I’m one of the select few who can afford to drink this on the reg.”

“I feel like this could really be the new coconut water. It tastes a little weirder, though.”

Don’t just take our word for it. Rover Water comes in three sizes: 1 ounce, 1.5 ounce, and 1.7 ounce. Pick one up today and experience it yourself!

*not inspired by existing water brands

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