Your Google Search History Might Know You Better Than You Know Yourself

Some of the world’s leading scientists have recently made enormous strides in understanding how we use Google Search. Through comprehensive studies of the search histories of typical young adults, they have discovered that this generation of smart-phone savvies and tablet toters seems to be significantly incapable of making their own decisions. This article’s focus will be a case-study on one specific young woman’s search history and the truths it reveals about all of us. For purposes of protecting her identity, we shall assign her the pseudonym “Molly.”

Below is a list of Google searches drawn from Molly’s mobile device and laptop history spanning the last three months: 

  1. Can milk be microwaved  
  2. Signs that bf no longer is in love with me  
  3. Love languages test  
  4. Signs that I am no longer in love with bf  
  5. New York Times 36 Questions That Lead to Love 
  6. Ways to break up with bf   
  7. Aquarius and scorpio compatibility 
  8. Ways to get over breaking up with bf
  9. How soon is 2 soon to get back on Tinder
  10. How soon is 2 soon to get back together with bf
  11. How to tell ex-bf that I still <3 him
  12. Romantic weekend trip ideas
  13. UTI?
  14. Yeast infection?
  15. Am I asexual?
  16. How to break up with bf 2nd time
  17. How to not regret a break up
  18. How to not text him
  19. How to not call him
  20. How to not walk by his house every morning and night even though it is nowhere near ur neighborhood u creepy loser
  21. How to have self respect
  22. How to cure depression
  23. Is it 2 soon to start seeing someone else
  24. Aquarius and pisces compatibility
  25. How to know if I’m in love

The take-away from Molly’s search history is strikingly clear: she is utterly incapable of making any significant life choices without the extensive aid of Quora, Reddit, or Refinery29. Researchers have a few recommendations to make based on their findings. Mainly, it may be in one’s best interest to manifest their social and emotional desires on internet discussion platforms.You never know when your beloved ex might just stumble upon some aptly placed wisdom in his Reddit feed and decide to shoot you a text!

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