The Importance of Experimenting

As I’ve mentioned previously, tying yourself down to an exclusive bae is not the best idea during your first semester in college. With the social pressures and the high probability of ridicule of high school gone, it’s the perfect time to experiment with your newfound freedom. Getting sucked into a monotonous lifestyle is severely detrimental to your journey of self discovery. So ditch social conventions. Forget what those jealous bystanders will say. It’s time to come out of your shell and try things you know your parents wouldn’t approve of. Your experimentation doesn’t just have to be cool for the summer. In fact, I challenge all of you to embrace this ongoing exploration. Go into that store—yes that one, with all the “interesting” accessories. I mean, isn’t this what college is known for? Abandoning the conformity and norms that held you back? So grab your wallet, because we’re taking a trip to the mall.

After donning a plaid skirt and unisex polo everyday in high school, the only shopping I really had to do was for summer clothes. As the days grow cold and the nights even colder, I’m realizing that missing the years crucial to developing personal style has finally become a real problem for me (as well as my owning only two open-knit sweaters). How should I know if leggings, jeans, or jeggings are for me? What if I’m a skirt person? Do scarves entice me as much as hats excite me? In a world where people put so much emphasis on labels, it can be scary to identify with a certain type of outfit. Before Brown, I thought the fashion binary extended from preppy to grunge, but it turns out it’s more of a fashion “cloud.” The lines are blurred, so if you feel like wearing a dress to class one day and a Batman Onesie the next, that’s OKAY. There is no reason to classify yourself just yet. That being said, it’s fun to find your quirks. Try on those cuffed jeans. Or maybe venture to Providence Place Mall (aka the best place to succumb to the temptation of Auntie Anne’s), walk into Forever 21, try on a black and white turtleneck for funsies, and find out that something you previously attributed to cold old people and Steve Jobs is now your favorite top. You know, just maybe.

The thing about Brown is there is no fashion norm, and if you want to play around with what you’re into, I guarantee you’ll feel even more confident than before. And then one day, you’ll hear the two words that can turn a girl on like nothing else: “Nice outfit.”

Image via.

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