Rachael Ray’s Take on Beyoncé’s Lemonade

Hi everyone! Welcome back to the Rachael Ray Show. I’m Rachael Ray. Spelled R-A-C-H-A-E-L with an A in my last name. Just to make sure. Since spring is finally upon us and the weather is getting warmer, it’s time to share some of my favorite ice-cold drinks to celebrate the sunshine. In the past few days, many of you have contacted me over the Internet to discuss how I feel about the release of Beyoncé’s Lemonade. As a famous American TV personality and celebrity chef, I think it’s only fair that I critique Lemonade and compare it to my own personal recipe. Welcome to a new segment on the show. Rachael vs. Beyoncé: Celebrity Drink-Off.

I have to admit that I’m pretty proud of my recipe. While I admit that Beyoncé can smash record album sales and top all global music charts, can she really strike the perfect balance between sweet and sour in some freshly squeezed lemonade? We’ll see about that.

Based on your comments, Beyoncé released a video of Lemonade. Sometimes it’s better to watch the magic rather than just read the recipe. I approve of her tactics. Unfortunately the only way I can access Beyoncé’s Lemonade is through some exclusive website called Tidal. Sign up for a free 30 day trial it is then. Also don’t forget to mark down your calendars for May 23. Don’t want your credit card to be billed for another month.

Ok I now have access to the site and oh. Her video is almost an hour long? Wow that’s a very complicated recipe. Now let me just click on it and….wait. Lemonade is a visual album? Not an actual lemonade recipe? Oh, well this is awkward. Clearly there is a huge misunderstanding. I’m a celebrity cook, not a musical artist. I’m here to critique recipes, not albums. I’m curious as to why so many of you asked me about my thoughts on Lemonade if you already knew it wasn’t an actual drink. Interesting.

Beyoncé is clearly the queen of the music industry, but I definitely still reign supreme in the kitchen. I declare that this showdown is a tie. We place number one in each of our respective domains. Bow down to Queen Bey and Queen Ray. So whether you’re watching my show or listening to some Beyoncé, be sure to sit back, relax, and sip on some lemonade as you enjoy the nice weather. Tune in next week!

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