My Past Week as Told by Google Searches

You can tell a lot about a person by looking into their eyes or putting yourself in their shoes (especially if they’re fully downtrodden Birkenstocks). But, you can tell even more about someone by looking at their recent internet searches. In this technology world we live in, internet searches are practically a chronicle of someone’s inner thoughts; we no longer have to ponder and wait years to find answers to important questions like how big is Kim Kardashian’s butt. Now we can google them and in a few seconds have the sweet, sweet satisfaction of knowing that it in fact is 43 inches and that that badonk is FAKE. The internet, on the other hand, is not fake—it is filled with only 100% verified information as anyone can tell from reading a Yahoo answers thread. Someone in my photography class stated that, “the internet is the closest thing we have to god.” So, find my recent communications with a higher being below:

  1. What is the second layer of fabric in underwear crotch for?
  2. What percent of people pick their nose?
  3. Donating eggs compensation
  4. How to earn money online – prostitution – porn
  5. Word version of pee noise
  6. Do people actually bleach their assholes?
  7. Gucci gang no repeating
  8. Does a straw have one or two holes
  9. Does bread kill ducks
  10. Spongebob guy in full body cast
  11. Are papples real
  12. Is chatroulette still a thing?
  13. Happy feet don’t push me scene
  14. Borat mankini
  15. Great tit bird
  16. How often do people get in car accidents from sneezing
  17. Who invented the 3-second rule
  18. Is there a sims 5

Hope you’ve thoroughly enjoyed me publicly embarrassing myself with this purview into my habits. But, remember! The FBI and NSA see all of your foolish searches too :~) Happy googling!!

Image via, and via.

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