8 Productive Habits for Midterm Season

You finally made it.  Midterms. Get through this week and you’ll have all of Thanksgiving Break to revel in  the joys of Netflix and avoiding your family’s questions about college. But did you know there are ways to study that don’t involve hours sitting at a badly lit desk with your textbook open, reading and re-reading the same sentence dozens of times? As you start to cram for exams and finish your essays at the last minute, here are eight essential study habits you will need to help you be your best, most productive self.

  1. JugglingYou’re already an expert juggler.  I mean, between skillfully figuring out which homework you can get away with not doing and photoshopping fake pictures of you and your “boyfriend” to send to your grandma, it’s a wonder the Big Apple Circus hasn’t come calling.  Step up your game this midterm season by impressing everyone with your new skills. The only physics that you really need to know are the physics of tossing three apples in the air and catching them all, am I right?!
  2. Memorize the Alphabet BackwardsWho doesn’t like a party trick? Knock your friends’ socks of with your speedy recitation. Your linguistics professor will surely be proud and you’re guaranteed to not go home from that linguistic department meeting alone.  
  3. Soap CarvingI think I speak for everyone here when I say that this is an essential skill.  Ditch that English paper and whip out your carving knives. Everyone knows Gatsby would have gotten Daisy in the end if he knew how to carve a soap flower.
  4. Bird CallsTalk about a way to attract potential mates!  Woo your fellow classmates with your pigeon call or parakeet chirp.  Now THAT’S what I call chemistry.
  5. Celebrity StalkingWe all have idols.  Put your knowledge of computer science to good work by hacking into your favorite celebrities’ social medias and finding out where they’ll be at any given time.  Take a break from your studies to meet them there and befriend them. Hey, if they end up hiring you as their personal assistant, that degree won’t matter anyway!
  6. WitchcraftDo I even need to explain this one? What better way to relax from a stressful morning of studying than to brew up a potion right in your dorm room?  Learn about all the different herbs and spices that can be used in potions and employ the scientific method of trial and error to see which work for you.  
  7. Pig LatinStop studying those Latin declensions and start using a language that’s NOT dead for a change.  Pig Latin is IN. Talk about an esuméray oosterbay.
  8. Goat HerdingWhy take a class where a professor teaches you about animal behavior when you can learn about it for yourself? Head to your local farm or grazing area, find some goats, and poke them with sticks until they follow you around.  If that’s not hands-on learning, what is?

Making studying an active part of your routine is key to success in college.  But don’t just take my word for it–try it for yourself! Just come thank me when you snag that A.  Your friends and family won’t believe what you have learned in such a short period of time. Now THAT’S tuition money well spent.

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