10 Signs He is CHEATING On You

1. He’s acting distant

Lately, he’s been withdrawn and disinterested in spending time with you. Maybe he’s slower to text, avoiding intimacy, or he just straight-up feels a world apart. Chances are, someone else is on his mind.

2. He’s being mean to you

Lately, he’s been lashing out and acting way ruder than usual. This could be his guilt manifesting itself in an ugly way. Speaking cruelly to you is easier than confronting his feelings of shame, after all.

3. He’s being nice to you

Lately, he’s been Mr. Nice Guy, so kind and attentive. This could be his guilt manifesting itself in a really nice way. Speaking agreeably to you is easier than confronting his feelings of shame, after all.

4. He sends you a good morning and good night text, but is RADIO SILENT in between

Lately, he’s been sending you cute ‘check-in’ texts before you go to sleep, and right after you wake up. But in between, what do you hear? Crickets. What’s he doing from 11pm-9am? Sleeping? With who? Other women.

5. He has a phone

Whether he’s texting or not… lately, he’s been on his phone. The mobile phone is designed such that only the person holding it really gets a good look at what’s on the screen, something he knows all too well. Bastard. He is cheating on you.

6. He takes showers

Lately, he’s been hygienic, even going so far as to routinely shower. While washing one’s body can be passed off as something innocent, even sanitary, if it’s happening more than once a week that is a red flag. Ask yourself: what’s he trying to wash off? Evidence? A perfume or tell-tale fluid? Wake up.

7. He buys you a birthday gift on your birthday

Lately, he’s been buttering you up, doing things like getting you a birthday present on your birthday. More like getting you ready like a pig for slaughter. Oink oink, slag. He’s cheating on you.

8. He awakes startled when you wake him up with an airhorn

Lately, he’s been startled after you wake him up by blasting an airhorn by his ear. Why so confused, babe? Do you not know where you are? Because you’re sleeping with other women? In other beds? So you don’t know which bed you’re waking up in right now?

9. He ‘needs his privacy’

Lately, he’s been asserting his autonomy and calling for some space of his own. He ‘needs his privacy’ and doesn’t like you watching him like a hawk, waiting to pounce on him with accusations of being cheated on. Um, hello? Could he be any more obvious? He’s going to use that space to cheat on you!

10. He thinks you’re ‘acting insane’

Lately, he’s been blocking your texts and calls and telling people you two are ‘broken up’, because you are ‘acting insane’, and ‘think everything he does points to infidelity’. Textbook gaslighting. God, he’s good!

But, still, chances are he’s cheating.

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