Everything For Dummies

Before there was Siri, there were the “For Dummies” books. And they have clearly been wildly successful, because why else would there be so many of them? I, for one, am grateful for the guidance that “Knitting For Dummies” offers when everything that could go wrong with my latest yarn project does go wrong. From caring for babies to writing an app, there seems to be a book for everything. But even with hundreds of titles, there are several gaps in their literature that still need to be filled. It is my pleasure to announce several new titles from the series, as well as offer an exclusive sneak-peek of some tips from the pros!

Drinking Water For Dummies:

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“Before you begin to hydrate, let’s go over some of the benefits of drinking water:

  1. You will stop feeling thirsty
  2. Vital functions in your body will start working
  3. You will join a community of other fun-loving water drinkers

Feeling convinced that drinking water is right for you? Let’s get started!
First, find a cup and head to your nearest sink. Use the faucet to fill up the cup. Try not to spill, but don’t worry if you do. Luckily, water goes on wet, but dries clear! Next, firmly grasp the cup in both hands and lift it to your mouth. Start with small sips so that you don’t overwhelm your body with too much hydration all at once.
As a fun activity, try drinking only half of the water in your cup. Stare at the remaining water for a while and ask yourself: ‘Is this cup half empty or half full?’ Such careful contemplation will surely heighten your water-drinking experience.”

To-Do Lists For Dummies:

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“Remember when we had you begin by making a list of all of the things you need to create a to-do list? We’re going to take that list from earlier and work on adding further structure. Here is our list for reference:

  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Things to do

Numbering the items on a to-do list in order of increasing importance can be very useful. Here are some questions you can ask yourself: What is the most important thing that I need to do today? Are there things that I can’t do until I do something else on the list? Why is the sky blue? What is my purpose in life?
We asked ourselves these questions and decided that our edited list should look like this:

  1. Have things to do
  2. Get a piece of paper
  3. Get a pen
  4. Write a list on the paper using the pen
  5. Buy “Blue Skies For Dummies”

Can you follow along with our logic? Try adding numbers to your own list to test whether you have mastered this concept.
Bonus tip: Add ‘Make a to-do list’ to the top of your list and cross it out when you have finished making the list!”

Space Travel For Dummies:

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“While on the day of your actual space launch, someone else will be performing the countdown for you, it’s important that you are comfortable with the process. Start practicing your numbers several months before you will be going to space. Counting backwards may feel counter-intuitive, so start simple and count forwards. Once this feels natural, you’re ready to move on to backwards counting. You don’t necessarily have to start from 10 every time, but even counting “5…4…3…2…1…” and then yelling “Blast off!” can be incredibly helpful in preparing you for the actual launch. You wouldn’t want to panic while rocketing through the air at high speeds, after all!”

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