Multitasking is In, Especially on the Toilet

Everybody poops. Sometimes it’s a speedy ordeal. But other times, the process can be lengthy and we find ourselves bored and daydreaming. I’ll let you in on a secret though: the loo can be a great place to get sh*t done. (See what I did there?)
Here’s a list of ~wildly creative~ things to do while taking a dump:

1. Be worldly and informed! Read the New York Times. Or HuffPo. (Or your Facebook newsfeed.)
2. FaceTime your significant other. If they really love you they’re willing to see you anytime and anywhere.
3. Learn some new guitar chords and bust out a new song! Bathrooms have great acoustics.
4. Paint your nails. Added bonus? The scent of the polish will cover the smell!
5. Edit that essay for your 11AM. It’s now or never for those final revisions…
7. Read that novel that’s been sitting by your bed all semester. If you read a few pages each time you poo, you might just finish it by the end of the year. Just imagine how many books you’ll read if you’re a perpetual pooper!
8. Bust out your knitting. Winter is fast approaching, and come December, you’ll be the flyest phe on campus with a handmade circle scarf. No one has to know what you were up to while creating the masterpiece.
9. Do your makeup. It’ll save you an extra 10 minutes and you may even have time to get a bagel on the way to class!
10. Write the above list. (I swear it’s true.)
So relish that bathroom time and take advantage of the chance to really master the art of multitasking.