A Comprehensive Analysis of Carrel Writings at the Rock

Whenever I’m studying at a carrel in the Rock, I make sure to read everything people have written on it.  I choose a different carrel every time, just so I can read these funny and occasionally strange writings.  I know that in my four years here at Brown, it probably is possible to sit at every carrel, but I’m impatient.  So, I put on my noisiest shoes and investigated every carrel around the perimeter of floors 2, 3, and 4 of the Rock.  I took pictures of my favorite writings and scientifically analyzed their meanings.  When asked what I was doing by one confused patron in carrel 47, I said I was conducting a “photojournalism project,” because that sounded official and newsworthy and not at all weird.

I’ve broken down my analysis by floor, as I discovered that each floor has a particular style.  Floor 2 had many factual and love-related writings.  The clarity and conciseness of each piece reveals that those studying on the second floor are in a good state of mind, and have likely not been working for too long.

2 what's love
The author of this work is experiencing a psychological phenomenon known as “daydreaming.”
2 virgin
The forcefulness of the writing displays angst at the fact that the author is still a virgin.

Also found on the second floor is evidence of Tupac being alive.  A side-by-side analysis reveals that these pieces were written by the same author.  Perhaps Tupac himself is hiding out on the second floor of the Rock and can only communicate via carrel writing.

2pac joint

Authors of writings on the third floor are characterized by an “out of the box” style, as they expanded their art to the white concrete walls.  There is a clear breakdown in mental status compared to the second floor; the writings are more nonsensical and purposeless.

3 david bowie
For what reason is David Bowie so important to the author that they halted their studies to simply write his name on the wall? Perhaps this was written following the October 12, 2014 premiere of his single “Sue (Or in a Season of Crime).”
3 no yes
One can only imagine what substance the word “NO” has been written in. I wonder how the poor soul who authored the innocent “yes?” is doing now, as they clearly did not appreciate the negativity of “NO.”
3 cereal
It was also on the third floor that I found this beautiful combination of sugary cereals, left on a shelf above a carrel. Who in their right mind would abandon such a delicious and thoughtfully-made treat? Thus, third floor patrons are characterized by their forgetfulness.

My final stop was the fourth floor.  Authors of the writings here are in the worst possible mental state.  They are extremely sleep-deprived and pushing the limits of sanity.

4 juan
This author was in such a horrid state that he felt the need not to write, but to carve his name into the carrel. He may have been pulling what college students refer to as an “all-nighter,” and didn’t want to forget his name.
4 monkey
This artist has become crazed but has not lost creativity; it takes an imaginative mind to craft such a work. The anatomical correctness is astounding, and illuminates the idea that beautiful things can come from difficult times.

My photojournalism project has come to a close, yet many valuable lessons have been learned.  Next time you’re trying to choose where to sit at the Rock, analyze the existing writings to pick the best carrel for you.

Images via and Sam Crausman.

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