Sober at SW


I was sober at Spring Weekend this year. Shocking? Maybe. Apparently, not everyone at this prestigious institution is a perfect golden child like I am. (Shout-out to Mom and Dad, who raised me to be both drug-free AND humble.) Anyways, horn tooting aside, I was sober… but my friends were not. My friends are also varied and creative, and they all chose different methods to get high/drunk/lit/turnt/generally impaired that weekend. This is a list of the texts they sent me, based on their vice of choice.

Drug: Good old-fashioned alcohol


Ever r u


I’m heeeeeeeeeeeeyrerereeeeeeee


I’m lost

O i see you

No i’m lost still


I left my key in your room

Nvm it’s in my boobd



I’m drinking vodka out of someone’s cowboy boot rn

New low or new high?

Experts disagree


I can’t find my phone


Drug: The weed, the marijuana, the pot


Me: I’m getting pizza

Her: Can u get me a slice

Me: Sure what kind?

Her: Pizza




At least 400 maple leaf emojis in one text


420 blaze it (sent at 6:43 PM)


Loophole! (this was related to… absolutely nothing)


Can it, Pig Man (I hadn’t texted this person all day)


Drug: MDMA


Thank you for the bananaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (this was followed by approximately 8 million hearts)


I just want to kiss a girl okay let my gay heart live


Her: I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: Ily2 pal

Her: No say it in full

Her: Or it won’t mean as much


Am I tripping like crazy right now or is there a child onstage? (there was a child onstage)


[The next day] the only good thing in the world is eggs


Drug: Tinashe






I’m crying and also laughing


Dead dead dead


Where are you? Let’s fuckin’ dance


Image via.

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